Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Just came home from college and phew~ tiring as always from travelling, taking 2 trains which cost me RM 7 a day exclusive of food. Today at college we had our Moral EXAM which was in my opinion a joke( Open Note test LOL ) at Mr.Subshi(sushi) told one of the people in charge that it was not an open note test and we were all in great shock as we relied much in hoping it was an open notes test which had been inform by Mr.Sushi himself during moral class before the holidays thankfully someone stood up and insisted that he did told it was an open notes test and ended up we being given the advantage of the open notes test which make the whole test seem pointless ( but I was thankful,though I sure as hell wasn't proud of myself). After the exam which was suppose to last 3 hours but ended up shorter than it intended to be thanks to the open notes test, my pals and I went to KL central and we had KFC AGAIN!...after KFC we went to Mid Valley for no reason and came back to college after awhile and started our Contract class which was VERY VERY ENTERTAINING !!! LOVE IT! SIMPLY Brilliant!

~too tired to press the kee board any further~

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